Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Cat may have grown up in Connecticut, but after over a decade in San Francisco & the Bay she may actually qualify as a quasi-native of "the city". After graduating from North Carolina State University with degrees in Zoology & Genetics, she made the trek out west and has been here ever since.
Dr. Cat is a veterinarian with a love for all creatures, great & small. Prior to attending veterinary school, she was lucky enough to spend her days taking care of some pretty GREAT apes in particular (Koko & Ndume). She has retained a passion for Conservation Medicine, One Health, & Behavioral Medicine ever since.
Dr. Cat is a Fear-Free certified practitioner, and loves the reduced stress that housecall visits are able to provide.
[Emotional] Support Staff
A more recent addition to the team, Boogie comes from the mean streets of Dallas, Texas y'all, and she's never met a sauage or beef brisket she didn't love (or at least attempt to consume) immediately. Boogie brings a goofiness and joie de vivre to every activity that is truly invaluable in keeping up morale and promoting a more joyful & whimsical company culture.

[Emotional] Support Staff
Kodiak brings over 15 years of experience to the team, and has been emphasizing the play in work:play balance with Doctor Cat since her senior year of college. She's lived on both coasts and soaked up a lot of knowledge when mentoring Dr. Cat during looong veterinary school study sessions. She is truly one-of-a-kind, and we are extraordinarily grateful to have had her on the team for so long.
[Emotional] Support Staff
With the advent of a global pandemic and her social circle dwindling, Boogie was on the hunt for a new in-house best friend. Finn decided he was the ideal candidate for the job, and the rest is history.
Finn enjoys: nudging his big sister incessantly until she wrestles with him EVEN MORE; dunking his entire [extremely large] head into his water bowl; & perpetrating the maximum amount of mischief possible in any given circumstance [looking adorable all the while].